Life Observer 007: Predestination & Peaceful Warrior


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The interaction of each human is a destiny.

Friendship, relationship, and kinship are all the types of destiny.  They all meant to be the way it is.

Imagine each human life path is a one straight line, and the world has consisted of almost 7 billion parallel lines. And there is an intersection between each line when someone meet with each other, so their path might have a chance to connect the two journeys.

The more people you know and meet in your life, the more intersections you create for yourself. So there are more moments of joint journey along the way, sometimes you are lucky enough to share the journey bit longer, and sometimes shorter. It’s either depend on yourself or other, or sometimes just come out of nowhere for the parting.

Kinship is the most special interaction. The thing about kinship is they are somehow also be the double lines. Despite how many intersections on the path the lines can always relate with each other because they share the departure and some intersections, also somewhere that can be double up again. They keep each other inform of the destination more often than parallel lines, or regular intersections, and with the likelihood of arriving the same destination. As a matter of fact, when love relationship devotes itself into kinship, it also together shares the journey as like other lines that being double.

We sometimes curious about why and what is gonna happen on the journey.

In reality, we question how future going to be? Can we end up being with the right person for a meaningful love relationship? Can our parents change themselves to  follow our will? Can our boss be more discipline and productive? Can our teachers be more understanding?

We want the answers and we think we deserve one.

We spend more time talking to ourselves even when we are facing in front of other people. We thought we are speaking to others, but in fact we are speaking to our inner need of being heard.

We want to decide on our fate and choose the life we want to live.

The thing is, the journey always affect by many external factors. It can changed by more intersections being created, or by those double lines, or even the weather. It’s unpredictable, complicated, and paradoxical.

That is when the theology of Christian Philosophy, predestinationism comes in and said it all. That everything happen for a reason, and things just happen the way it meant to be.

When things go wrong, keep in mind that everything happen for a purpose. You need to accept the way it is.

If we still complaint and can’t accept, try to do the serenity prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

To sum up all, author Dan Millman has wrapped up 3 principles for the whole life journey in his book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That changes Lives:

“Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change.

– Paradox: Life is a mystery; don’t waste your time trying to figure it out.

– Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure.

– Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same.”

If you are still not convinced, try to think of how Buddhism philosophy tells us to meditate, and keep the peace of mind in order to be aware of the changes and deal with it  by emotionless.

We need to be aware of implication, we need to be a realist, we need to observe the meaning of each intersection and be prepare ourselves to be flexible to act upon challenges in the life journey.

Finally, we set it as a goal to learn from each of our life lessons to build up and improve our courage, acceptance, and wisdom. And that is what I refer to as combination of Predestinationism and peaceful warrior, in which we called strength of life.